Thursday, October 1, 2009

Are Windows Defender and AVG Pro Anti Virus (both real-time) a good equivalent to Norton/Mcaffee?

Also, i've got Ad-Aware, Spybot search %26 Destroy and AVG Anti-rook kit... is it just me or does anyone else have more peace of mind when they buy expensive software?

Are Windows Defender and AVG Pro Anti Virus (both real-time) a good equivalent to Norton/Mcaffee?

my god try Linux

ubuntu linux is the model most like windows and it is free never worry about anything again and if there is a problem the fix is for free

Are Windows Defender and AVG Pro Anti Virus (both real-time) a good equivalent to Norton/Mcaffee?antivirus downloads

I'm not really sure to be honest, but I'd have to say so. Personally, I don't like Norton/Mcaffee software.
no. they are full of vulnerabilities...

I have SBS%26D.. its the best out there thats free...

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