Thursday, October 1, 2009

Microsoft Office (anyone that has 2007 or knows some about microsoft office?)?

I have microsoft office 2003 on my computer and i also just got Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 (which includes microsoft word 2007, powerpoint 2007, and excel 2007)...can i delete word, powerpoint, and excel 2003 without messing anything up? (will i still have the option of saving 07 word documents as 03 word documents so that they are compatible with older editions?)

Microsoft Office (anyone that has 2007 or knows some about microsoft office?)?spyware

Yes you can save documents as 2003 editions, and yes, if you go to control panel, then add or remove hardware, the 2003 edition of work will be cleary defined. Simply unistall it there. Hope this helps!

Microsoft Office (anyone that has 2007 or knows some about microsoft office?)?virus scan

Yes, you can remove 2003 and then install 2007. It's actually preferred and alleviates potential reg errors. With Office 2007 you will have the option of saving documents as previous versions. I do it everyday as most of my contacts do not have 2007 yet, and cannot review a 2000.
You don't need to delete the Office 2003 programs; just load the 2007.

Yes, 2007 is backward compatible with 2003.
oh yeah thats easy

click the installer or insert the program cd

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