Thursday, October 1, 2009

Microsoft Word???

okay so my comp doesn't have Microsoft Word and im an aspiring author so i need to write some stories, can i download Microsoft word, for free if so where do i get it, is there a website, i've tried but i dont see anything about getting microsoft word

Microsoft Word???suzuki

hey mac i have the software u can download it on ur computer

Microsoft Word???virus

No, you can't download Microsoft Word as it is copyrighted software. However, you can download OpenOffice, which does many of the things Word does and can even save files in the Word native format. You can get it here:

Good luck with your stories!
Ebay has microsoft office for pretty cheap.
You can download 'Easy Office'(click blue button) or 'Open Office' they are both free.
you can't get it for free but try downloading a simular program from or try this website
try some open source alternatives...some are just as good as word 03

If I were you, I would just buy it. The new Microsoft office is really something and it's really worth it. Microsoft products are always good.
Oh sweetie, the only thing Microsoft will give you for free is a giant headache. Try Limewire, it's the free plan Lmao. Make sure your running some sort of active real time virus scanning program as there are many virus/trojan/worm infested files posing as desirable content.
Bill Gates isn't worth 82 billion because he gave away free stuff and he's not about to start.

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