What exactly is it so eager to Autoupdate all the time anyway?
It's like buying an airline ticket that says "benign hijackers included with your flight"
And they own all the d/m/n/ planes.
Is it just me or do people like to LOOK at what's coming in the internet before it-diving into my computer with both feet?
I'm perfectly capable of checking for updates on my own. It's MY frikkin computer. It doesn't belong to microsoft (I don't think microsoft adequately comprehends that concept anymore.) These microsoft control-fr/g/eeks are up to no good. This system is almost set up as SLYware.
I paid for my computer. I paid MICROSOFT for my Windows. I did not (as I recall) pay for microsoft to slink in and bully out tiny clandestine slivers of cpu and browserfunction.
And this Daylight savings time?
Panic panic panic? Must have update?
Hell! You can click on the damn clock and turn DSTime OFF, and change the darn frikkin time yourself! For GodSake!
What a pla
Is microsoft evil?virus removal
i dont have these problems, i did but switched to mac...no daylight savings problem or screwed up updates or any of that
Is microsoft evil?anti virus protection
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