Thursday, October 1, 2009

Microsoft Office 2003 question.?

I'm currently taking a Computing Environments class in college and they are still teaching Microsoft Office 2003 (this is the last semester they will be teaching 2003). I just got Microsoft Office 2007 for Christmas and never had 2003. My professor tells me I'll have to use 2003 because some things are different. I don't even think you can buy Microsoft Office 2003 anymore? And I would really not like to even if you can considering I just got 2007! It will be extremely annoying if I have to use the computers on campus every time because I commute. Does anyone have any advice? I'd really like to be able to have Microsoft Office 2003 on my computer! Thanks in advance.

Microsoft Office 2003 question.?symantic

Just use Office 2007, basically both version have the same tools.

Microsoft Office 2003 question.?viruses

2007 is more than 2003. they just put stuff in different area also.. but all and all.. when you save the file remember to save it in 2003 file, not the new 2007. all and all it should be the same but more advance.

2003 is like Windows XP. 2007 is like Vista. Some might have different names. but all and all is still there.

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